Sunday, May 30, 2010


How will you go?
How will you go?
Drive through the wind and the rain
Cover it up
Cover it up
I'll find you a shelter to sleep in

And you know I'll be fine
Just don't ask me how it's going
Gimme time, gimme time
Cos I want you to see
Round the world, round the world
Is a tangled up necklace of pearls

-Crowded House

After putting books into paper bags for the used book store and sorting through the shelves, I found myself singing this song out of nowhere. Then I remembered the bookmarks I'd pulled out before setting books aside for sale. 

I love finding the random notes and bits of life that I end up using to mark my place. I don't like to dog-ear books and there's usually some scrap or note hanging about waiting to be useful. This photograph is of a few bits: an old Starbucks napkin, an ancient bank deposit envelope, and the 1996 receipt for the Crowded House CD that this song is on, Woodface. I love this track! 

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